If I were to go back in time and tell myself something that would really shock me (other than being married), I would have to say that it is my significant weight gain over the years. When I was growing up I was often teased about me being really skinny. When I first met my future wife, I weighed 135 pounds and my height was 5'10". I was actually a little depressed that I wasn't a little taller and a little bigger. I was never a weakling because I worked out all the time and was very active; I just never showed it. I tried to pack on muscle thinking that would make me look bigger, but it didn't work. I was probably fortunate that I didn't know about those GNC muscles shakes. I think I'd be a lot heavier now if I had started on those things! Nonetheless, I still felt like a 90 pound weakling and nothing was going to chance that. One trait that I always attracted me to women was their height. I liked women who were taller because I wanted them to be roughly...