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Piece #105 - Drawing a Blank

One of my favorite Simon Pegg movie is "The World's End". In the movie, the small town that Simon's character (Gary King) grew up in has been very different since he left. The people in the town have been being replaced with robotic people which Gary's group of lads called...Blanks. The group decided the name for two reasons: 1. To make sure to identify who was human and who wasn't and 2. The fake people in the town had no personality or life in them, just hollow. Right now I feel a little like that. Not only do I feel like I have no life in me but, my mind is completely blank as well. This is a dangerous position to be in.

I'm reach out to you, the reading audience, because I have a feeling you have either been thought this phase or are still in this funk. As I write these blog entries, there have been several occasions when I have a really great idea for an entry, but getting it organized and typed on the screen can be one of the most difficult tasks in writing. I know I've mentioned in the past how those of us with Asperger's have a bad habit of forgetting things, events, names, etc. and yet we can recall so of the most unimportant stuff like movie lines or odd observations we might notice in a doctor's office that had no significance what so ever. My point is, with this in mind, drawing a blank on any particular topic can happen a lot; in this case, it's happening too often here lately to me.

The reason why I said that drawing a blank can be a dangerous is because when we (the Aspies) can't see the end of any serious problem or situation, the thoughts that run through our head can be terminal. If we have a blank moment in a situation to which we can't see a good outcome then bad things can bubble up. Even the character I introduced in the beginning of this entry, his life was supposed to be special and exciting, but ended up being nothing like he expected. Since he couldn't see anything ahead, just a blank, we find out later in the film that the great Gary King tried to end it all because of the void he felt like life was never going to get any better.

For writers, we like to call this 'blank'...writer's block. I have personally experienced this on many occasions; very recently in fact. Sometimes writer's block can last for just a few minutes, hours or stretch on into days. For me, it's been more like weeks. Having Asperger's, getting writer's block can drive me crazy!  I hope I'm turning a corner and can now move forward with what I love to do. I know like all will pass, even if it doesn't seem like it ever will. The love of the Lord really can make all the difference.

Song of Inspiration [Check it out on iTunes or Android!]:

Song: "Numb"

Artist: Tait

Album: Lose This Life

Here's a scene with Gary and the lads just beating up some BLANKS! 

[The World's End]

This is just the song for the selected music, no lyrics or video...sorry.


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