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Piece #61 - I am Second

If you’re thinking of the organization then you are correct! I have to admit that I have found this organization rather fascinating. This is a statement that comes from their website:

"I am Second is a movement meant to inspire people of all kinds to live for God and for others. Actors. Athletes. Musicians. Business leaders. Drug addicts. Your next-door neighbor. People like you. The authentic stories on provide insight into dealing with typical struggles of everyday living. These are stories that give hope to the lonely and the hurting, help from destructive lifestyles, and inspiration to the unfulfilled. You’ll discover people who've tried to go it alone and have failed. Find the hope, peace, and fulfillment they found. Be Second."

I'm not a member of this organization, but when they first started having celebrities like football quarterback Kurt Warner and others on huge billboards so I was rather curious about who they were. I know that there was a lot of controversy about Phil Robertson for some comments he made and he's one of the people who campaigns for the I am Second organization, but that made little difference to me. I think overall, it has to be the message they're trying to convey; because we do go through a lot of struggles in our lives and many times we think we're alone. The stories are rather interesting and compelling if you ever get a chance to listen to them. There are several people like Albert Pujols, Brian Welch, Anne Rice, Darrell Waltrip, Kathy Ireland, Tony Dungy, Sam Bradford, Stephen Baldwin and tons more talking about a variety of topics that could easily be any one of us.

What I personally like the most is the name...I am Second. I think for many people, they might not understand the importance of those three words. Most of the time, people think being second is a bad thing...almost like you almost won, but you came in second. This goes much further than that misguided notion. I imagine then you might wonder who the heck is first? If you've read my blog long enough, then you might already know the answer. For me, it's Jesus; because having Autism, there are times when I might feel alone. Just knowing that my Lord is first in my life and I get to be second is a comforting feeling. I want to be second, I don't want this to be about me first. If you've read the blog about "Failure", to me it was a tough pill to swallow because I felt like I had been fighting all my life growing up to suddenly put on the brakes and say 'it's okay to be number two' is a concept at was foreign to me. In our society, you are nothing if not number one. No one really remembers number two unless it was you.

I could easily say that my Asperger's give me a handicap, but I feel more like I should fight even harder to go beyond the disability. I believe we need to challenge ourselves, to strive for the greater good of all human beings on this Earth because God created every one of us and he even sent us an example. We will never surpass Him, but at least we can give it our best shot...even if we come in second.

Song of Inspiration [Check it out on iTunes or Android!]:

Song: "I Am Second"

Artist: Newsboys

Album: God's Not Dead

Here's the music video with the Lyrics to the song!

Can you answer the question?


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